It has been a long and crazy and pretty uneventful week! Still having a good time out here. This week has definitely been a little rough. But that's okay, Im going to have ups and downs no matter what. I just need to rely on the Lord and fight on.
Transfers were this week. Which means that Elder Brinkworth would be transfered I would be staying in Malmö with a different companion. Also, it meant that Elder Sheldon would be going home. We also had another missionary in our district named Elder Packer who is going home as well. So on p day we had a "funeral" for them because they are "dying". It was really fun. It is weird that Elder Sheldon is going home. He has been here the whole time since I arrived in Sweden and has taught me so much.
So the last couple days leading up to transfer day consisted of Elder Brinkworth and I going around saying goodbye to all the members and people he has been working with. He had been in Malmö for almost 8 months! He is going to be missed by this ward. I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with him and learn from him.
On Wednesday, I received my first new companion. His name is Elder Sweat. He has been on his mission for about a year. He is really cool and we get along really well. We have already had so much fun together. He is a lot like me. It is weird though to have a different companion then the one you started out with. But I feel like Elder Sweat and I are going to have lots of success together, we just have to work hard.
The past couple days have also been slow. After Reza and Majeed, we dont have to many promising investigators to work with. We have been spending a lot of time going through the ward list and contacting less active members. There are a lot in this ward! We have also been spending a lot of time finding people to teach this week.
We took a long walk on Friday through a super beautiful park just talking to people. I feel like I talked to 100 people but not one person was interested. One lady did take a book of mormon! That counts for something! Sports night was also disappointing this week haha.. only about 8 people showed up. And half were missionaries. We still had a fun time. Su came. Things are still going well with Su. He has so many questions. He says that any church that makes him feel comfortable is a true church. We explained why our church is different from all the others. We talked a lot about coming to know that the church is true, or even just believing that God is there and loves him. He just wants to know that God loves him and loves everyone on the earth. He also has questions about faith. We told him to read Alma Chapter 32 before we meet again this tuesday. We are going to discuss it and explain to him that if he even has a desire to believe a portion of the word, that desire can grow into faith. I know he will receive an answer to his prayers. It was actually a really spiritual experience talking to him about it. It made me think about how my prayers are answered. I realized that the questions or things I needed were answered when I asked in the name of Christ and with faith that I will receive it.
Anyways, this week was not the most eventful, but that just means the next week is going to be better! I hope you all have an amazing week! I love you all and I pray for you all every day! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to those who have written me! I am sorry I wasnt able to write everyone back.. I feel really bad but I just didnt have that much time at all. I promise I will get back to you all soon!
I love you all so much! Take care back in the States!
Äldste Bailey
You have funerals for the ones leaving? haha