Hope you are all doing well and have had a good week!
This has probably seemed like the longest week of my mission. Not even a week ago I was in Malmö, and now I'm sitting in a library in Katrineholm. This week has been full of new faces and some amazing experiences. If you didn't know, I was transferred to Katrineholm this week. It is a lot different from Malmö. Malmö will always have a special place in my heart. All those reading this from Malmö, I want to say thank you so much for everything you all have done for me and all you taught me. Didn't think I would be able to learn Swedish is Skåne but thanks to you all I did! I love you all with all my heart. I will come back soon!
I am looking forward to serving in Katrineholm. When I got here, I got off the train and was greeted by my new companion, Elder Faulkner. He is from London England. He is super funny and a good missionary. I look forward to working with him. After I got settled in, we went to meet a new convert named Pia. She was baptized a couple months ago by my good friend Elder Higgins. We taught her a lesson and I could really feel the spirit just radiating off of her. She has such a strong testimony for being a member for just a few months! She is an amazing member and I look forward to working with and getting to know her. After meeting with Pia, we met with an investigator named Kenneth. When I first saw and met Kenneth, I thought he was the branch president or something. Turns out he has been meeting with the missionaries for years but just cannot quit smoking. He has tried for years but his body has developed such a strong need and addiction that it is extremely hard for him. He has such a strong testimony and he probably knows more about the gospel than me haha.We had a really great disscussion with him. After the disscussion, he came to the realization that it is time to get baptized. He really wants to do it. I told him I came to Katrineholm to make sure he stops smoking and gets baptized haha. So his date is for July 4. We are working with him right now to make sure he is ready to make the commitment.
My second day in Katrineholm, we went to district meeting which was good, we also ate at an American Pizza place! It didnt taste 100% American though ;) But on our way home, our train ended up being 15 min late. So about 5-10 min after the train was supposed to leave, a man came up and asked me where the train was that was supposed to be going to Katrineholm. I helped him out and then we started waiting together. Then I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to share the gospel with him. I started up a casual conversation and then carefully led it into a disscussion about religion (I have become very good at that by the way ;) ) I taught him the Restoration right there in the train station. It was such an amazing and spiritual experience. I cant explain it. But there is a real joy that comes with sharing the gospel to others and bearing witness that you know the Book of Mormon is true with all your heart. I felt the spirit as we finished telling the story of Joseph Smith and bore record that it was true. He said he was interested and would like to meet again sometime. I know that everything happens in God's time and way. If that train was on time, I would have never had the opportunity to talk to that man. I am thankful for the opportunity my Heavenly Father gave me to share the gospel with Emanuel and I am even more thankful that I toook the opportunity. It strengthened my testimony and faith as I saw that God cares about each and every one of His children and will prepare a way for them to hear the Restored Gospel.
So this week we received a refferal from the Elders up North. They told us they contacted this Swedish man who explained to them that he was searching for God and would love to meet but he is moving to Katrineholm. Perfect. So we met up with him this week. Pia came along and I swear to you it was exactly like the District. (They missionary documentary thing the church puts out). I have never had such a perfect lesson and an investigator who asked such perfect questions. One of the other cool things was that this man was Swedish. So this perfect lesson was delivered in swedish. I felt the Spirit so strong and the words that came out of my mouth were the words I have been studying the last 6 months to learn. I got to teach this man the simple truths and principles of the gospel in the language he knew best and the language I was called here to speak. His name is Jonas. He asked us so many questions like, "how do you guys pray?" and "how can I hear from God?" and "How can I know he is really there?". It was perfect. It was such an amazing experience that I will never forget. He is really interested. Also something else cool happened. As we were teaching him, I thought to myself, "this guy is perfect and getting baptized for sure". And then he got up and went to the kitchen and came back out with a cup of coffee. haha great. But then he started to tell us his story of how he used to be into drugs and how he was a heavy drinker and was able to quit. Then he explained to us that "this cup of coffee I am drinking is an addiction. And I want to quit because I dont want to be controlled by anything." That was also a testimony builder to me, to see how God has been preparing this man since he quit drinking and drugs to receive the restored gospel. I am excited to work with Jonas. We are meeting him again this week.
On saturday, we had a branch temple trip. Those who ended up going were, Presdient Palamino, Elder Faulkner and I. Haha not so many people but an amazing experience. I am so grateful for the temple and the chance I had to go. I also got to see one of my best friends from the MTC, Äldste Burton, after 5 months of not seeing him. That was great! I love the temple and I love that no matter what language you speak, the gospel is the same and you can still feel the spirit just as strong.
Sunday was church. I want to quickly explain the picture. Right now, we meet in a classroom in a schoolhouse. All 15 of us. But luckily we had 19 this week! Given that 7 of them were one family and 2 were from the high council and 2 were missionaries. It is such a cool experience to meet in that classroom. I was so amazed by the faith of the members there. I felt the spirit just as strong there than if I wouldve been in the conference center. I also held a short talk. I am thankful that I was able to bear my testimony to these members that I know this gospel and church are true and that if we worked together, we could bring many into this branch. I love being a missionary.
Well, I am about out of time. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and letters! I love you all so much! I just quickly want to tell you all that I know this Church is true with my whole heart and without any doubt. I know Heavenly Father is there and cares about each and every one of us. I know that my Redeemer lives and that he stands by every one of us and helps us and strengthens us and wants to carry our burdens for us. All we have to do is ask. I know with church is true. My faith is in my Lord and Savior Jesus Chirst. I love this gospel and this church and I am thankful for the opportunity I have each day to share it with all those I come in contact with 24/7.
I love you all so much!
Jag älskar er så mycket!
Äldste Bailey
oh, so fun to read of how you felt when you first met me. I loved you from the second i met you, you are kind, sweet and you are such a great teacher. Your mom and family should be so proud of you. I wouldnt be the same without you. But you know that because i tell you every day. haha.